Worksheets, Checklists and Documents
Cap Rate Worksheet
Cap Rate stands for Capitalization Rate. Simply put, it establishes value. It’s plain and simple. It’s easy to interpret and it streamlines information. Use this worksheet to quickly calculate the current value and projected value of a property.

Due Diligence Checklist
Over 200 points to thoroughly investigate all aspect of the apartment complex and make sure you cover all documents needs to close the deal.

Renovations To Be Done 
Checklist When walking the complex you need to document each item that needs to be repaired. This list gives you the ability to keep all the information well organized.

Income and Expense Worksheet
An income and expense worksheet lists out your monthly income and expenses. It shows the gross income, gross expenses and net profit. You can use this worksheet to show actual numbers or use to project future income and expenses.

Personal Financial Statement
A personal financial statement is a spreadsheet outlining your financial position at a given point in time. A personal financial statement will typically include general information about you, such as name and address, along with a breakdown of your total assets and liabilities.

Promissory Note (draft)
A promissory note is a contract stating the terms of the loan. It creates an obligation for the borrower to repay a loan back to the lender. This type of guarantee is standard practice in lending.

Letter of Intent
A Letter of Intent (LOI) is the initial offer to a seller that you want to buy their property. It lists out the purchase price, date of closing and other details of your offer.

Tenant Lease (draft)
A lease is a written agreement that defines the obligations and rights of the tenant and the landlord. It is legally binding upon both parties. All areas of the lease need to be filled out with accurate information.

Nathan Tabor
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